Join The Christian Peace Initiative

There is one simple way to join The Christian Peace Initiative: signing our invitation.

When you sign the invitation, you simply join a community of individuals who are seeking to incite peace and end division among individuals and organizations who believe in Christ.

The Initiative

The Christian Peace Initiative is a coalition of individuals and organizations who recognize Christ as Lord and Savior who want to unite in peace through agape love (as defined by 1 Corinthians 13:4-7) regardless of denomination, affiliation, doctrine or preference.

In a state of the world which often prioritizes division over unity, this initiative instead offers ways to engage in peaceful relations with one another. The Initiative promises to maintain a zero-obligation relationship with participants (be that financial, material, or participatory).

By signing The Christian Peace Initiative, you are simply agreeing that you identify and commit to the spirit of peace through agape love with fellow Christians. 

Initiative Signature