Your Questions, Answered
Q: What is the Christian Peace Initiative?
A: CPI is a movement that promotes peace and unity among Christ-affirming individuals and organizations by prioritizing love and reconciliation over division.
Q: How do I sign the invitation?
A: Visit our Sign the Invitation page, fill out the form, and join our global community.
Q: What happens after I sign the invitation?
A: If you opt in, you’ll receive updates about CPI events, resources, and opportunities to get involved. You can choose your level of participation based on your preferences.
Q: Are CPI events only for Christians?
A: While CPI focuses on Christ-affirming individuals and organizations, all are welcome to learn and participate in our events.
Q: How is CPI funded?
A: CPI is an independent endeavor spawned from impassioned individuals. In this effort, we have recently opened up the opportunity to support us through donations to our 501c-3 organization. Signing the invitation does not require any financial commitment.
Q: Can I partner with CPI to host an event?
A: We would love to discuss the prospect on collaborating on an event. We encourage you to Contact Us at our Contact Page to learn more about how CPI can support your ideas and efforts.