The Great News Network presents...

The Christian Peace Initiative

Uniting Christians in Peace

The Christian Peace Initiative is a signable invitation to unite with fellow believers in Christ in peace over division.

In contemporary Christianity, we observe a tendency towards impatience, divisiveness, and at times, even anger. Additionally, there seems to be a prevalent focus on being right rather than prioritizing love among Christians. The Christian Peace Initiative aims to bring together individuals and organizations who embrace the teachings of Christ and prioritize peace as the preferred approach to spiritual, doctrinal, and personal variances. Regardless of your background or beliefs, we extend a warm invitation for you to become a part of this initiative.

Unite With Christians in Peace

We invite anyone who aligns with this simple idea to join us in spirit by signing this invitation. Your email will simply register you as a part of the movement, and you can choose to which degree you want to be notified of additional activity and content. When you sign the invitation, you join a community of individuals who are seeking to incite peace and end division among individuals and organizations who are Christian.

Join us at our first Christian Peace Initiative Conference.

Unity Among All Christ-Affirming Denominations

November 8th — November 9th 2024

We are excited to bring you our first annual conference for The Christian Peace Initiative. The Christian Peace Initiative is an organization that intends to address and work on the issues surrounding peace among Christ-affirming believers and religious denominations.

Attendance to the conference is free, and will be hosted in-person and virtually. In-person attendance will be managed on a first-come-first-serve basis.

Open Call for Speakers:

We are taking applications to participate in this conference! If you are an open-minded individual who see a need for greater peace and love within Christ-affirming denomination and individuals, we would love to hear your proposition for a 30-40 minute presentation related to the theme of Unity Among All Christ-Affirming Denominations. We can assist with lodging and travel if you’d like to be in person, but the conference will be recorded and produced digitally, allowing speakers to participate via Zoom.

Applications Close October 1, 2024.
Rough Run of Events:

Friday, November 8th, 2024

Welcome Dinner
Keynote Speaker 1 (To be announced soon.)

Saturday, November 9th, 2024

Pastries and Coffee
Speaker Series (Speakers to be announce soon.)
Panel Discussion

The Christian Peace Initiative

Last Updated: July 13, 2023

The Christian Peace Initiative is a coalition of individuals and organizations who recognize Christ as Lord and Savior who want to unite in peace through agape love (as defined by 1 Corinthians 13:4-7) regardless of denomination, affiliation, doctrine or preference.
In a state of the world which often prioritizes division over unity, this initiative instead offers ways to engage in peaceful relations with one another. The Initiative promises to maintain a zero-obligation relationship with participants (be that financial, material, or participatory).
By signing The Christian Peace Initiative, you are simply agreeing that you identify and commit to the spirit of peace through agape love with fellow Christians.

To sign in agreement with this Initiative, please fill out the form below.

Initiative Signature

The Great News

Faith Without Religion

Yeshua lived, died, rose and then returned in 70 A.D. In turn, God reconciled the world to Himself, liberating us forevermore. We call this biblical fulfillment. So, what remains?

The Christian Peace Initiative is a participating channel on The Great News Network. The Great News Network provides sincere and contextual knowledge of YAHAVA (God) and His Word, bridging the gap left by failing religious institutions and faltering theological justifications.

Our phrase ‘The Great News’ contrasts with ‘The Good News,’ emphasizing the end of the era of fear-driven coercion, punishment, law, religion, dogma, and authority. Through meticulous research of biblical text and its secular histories, we find that God has allowed ad continues to allow individuals to freely pursue or not pursue Him. We offer this knowledge for your consideration and implementation on your personal journey.

The Great News Network is a unity of organizations, or “Channels”. Each channel offers content within a wide range of complexity. From beginner level deconstruction to advanced supportive rebuilding, The Great News Network can meet you where you are at to support your journey. All learning materials and content are free, have been created with the intent to increase agape love in believers and in the world.